A Beautiful Smile Is Everything Why More Americans Are Seeking Out Cosmetic Dentistry

Your teeth are aching something fierce. You know you need to see a dentist, but you’re not sure how to go about things. Why not drop by and get a quick consultation? So many of today’s oral health issues can be easily resolved just by sitting down in the dentist’s chair and asking a few […]

Don’t Be Afraid of the Dentist, Be Afraid of not Seeing One

Americans have a love hate relationship when it comes to dentists. People understand it’s important, with nearly 100% of respondents to an American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry survey saying a smile is socially important. On the other hand, many people do whatever they can to delay seeing the dentist or even avoiding it altogether. About […]

When the Time is Right to Visit the Dentist

Everyone needs to take good care of their health, and this sometimes means visiting a medical professional for checkups, medicine, or even surgical operations, and this includes the teeth. Dentistry is a distinct branch of medicine everyone is familiar with, and in fact, dentistry today ranks among the top 10 most trusted and ethical professions […]

Taking Care of Dental Health Today

Dentistry is widely considered to be among the top 10 most trusted and ethical professions in the United States in recent years, and many American adults and children go to the dentist’s office every year for regular checkups and cleaning. Sometimes, a trip to the dentist’s office will involve more serious operations, such as a […]

There’s No Good Reason Not To See a Dentist

Taking care of your teeth is something that is important for a number of reasons, but it also is something many people neglect to do. Among adults, about one-third have failed to visit a family dentist in the past year. And of the other two-thirds, a significant proportion have gone only once, even though two […]

Regular Dental Appointments Help Maintain a Very Healthy Smile

This is the end of the official parenting. Although you will never quit being the mother to your two daughters, after the next three months your youngest daughter will move to college and you and your husband will officially be empty nesters. You hope that you have done everything you can to set both girls […]

Do I Really Need my Wisdom Teeth Taken Out?

If an oral surgeon has recently recommended you have your wisdom teeth removed, you may be wondering how necessary this procedure actually is. While it is true that there are some cases in which it is not needed, many people wind up getting it done to avoid further complications down the line. A lot of […]

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