How to Find a Dental Hygienist Position


If you went to school to become a registered dental hygienist (RDH), then chances are you on now on the hunt for promising RDH jobs. There are plenty of dental hygienist jobs out there, but the hard part can be landing one. There is competition in the field and a lot of places are looking for someone with one or more years of experience. This can seem like a frustrating qualification, because how are you supposed to get experience if no one gives you a shot?

There are things you can do to snag that first position though. All it takes is one office to give you a shot and you will be on your way. The key here is to utilize community resources and to prove that you are a good choice despite your limited experience.

Start with Your Resume and Cover Letter

Often times your resume and cover letter are the first impression an employer gets of you. These are your chance to show off your skills, experiences, and personality. You have even more to offer than your schooling and you can showcase that in your cover letter.

If you’re not confident in these documents once you’ve crafted them yourself you can always reach out to a resume writing company. They will take all of your information and help you create documents that will wow potential employers.

Search Dental Job Boards

You can find a variety of RDH jobs and other dental related work on dental job boards. Whether you choose a board that is specific to dental jobs or refine your search on a regular job board, this is a great way to instantly access a list of open positions. You can read up on the company’s requirements and send in a resume and cover letter right from your computer.

Be Yourself at Interviews

Employers aren’t just looking for experience. They want people who have winning personalities and can fit in with the current staff. This is still true with dentist jobs, so it’s best to be yourself and be honest. You want to be sure that you and the company you are applying to are a good fit for each other, so catering your answers just to get the job is not the best choice. Besides, most employers can tell when you’re not being genuine and it could hurt your chances of landing the position.

Don’t Give Up

Landing good RDH jobs can take some time. You might get lucky and get hired at the first place you apply to, but there’s also a chance you might get turned the first couple of times. It doesn’t mean that you’re unqualified or doing something wrong. It usually just means that someone with more experience or who is a better fit for that particular company got the position. Don’t give up if you get show down. Persistence and determination is key in any decent career field and if you keep pushing forward you will snag the job of your dreams.

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