At your latest dentist visit, you mention some throbbing pains near the back of your mouth. You are confused, because you have always been an excellent brusher and have never even have a cavity. So, what gives?
Your dentist performs an X-ray and immediately spots the problem. You are due for wisdom teeth removal.
You may have dozens of questions and concerns floating around in your head: What exactly are wisdom teeth? Why do so many people have them removed? What will removing some of my teeth do in the long run? However, there is no need to worry. Here are five wisdom teeth extraction benefits.
Firstly, wisdom teeth is a common nickname for your third molars, which usually develop between the ages of 16 and 25. Most people have their wisdom teeth removed because they do not grow in gracefully. Wisdom teeth are usually impacted when they make their appearance; that means that they are fully or partially obstructed by gums and/ or bone. Consequently, there are numerous wisdom teeth extraction benefits.
You are dodging an infection bullet. This is the most important of wisdom teeth extraction benefits. Depending on the growth patterns and condition of your wisdom teeth, you may be at high risk for infection, abscesses, or cysts if the teeth were to stay. These infections can seep into the wisdom teeth’s neighboring guns, bone, teeth, and other tissues. Infections that begin in the oral area can quickly impact the rest of your body. The nasal area, throat, stomach, and brain are all essential parts of your body that can be harmed by an infection in the mouth.
Your other teeth will thank you. Wisdom teeth are not polite when they grow in. They do not say excuse me to your teeth that are already there. Wisdom teeth oftentimes grow at a crooked angle and will push against, crack, crowd, or otherwise damage the teeth that you already need. Having a wisdom teeth extraction will save the alignment of your other teeth and help you avoid future corrective measures and costs.
Your mouth will stay cleaner. There are many reasons people may not be inclined to brush or floss their wisdom teeth, including: the teeth are so far back in their mouth that it is inconvenient, difficult, or uncomfortable; the teeth are painful due to impaction or infection; the teeth are over crowded and it is impossible to get floss in between them; the wisdom teeth are simply forgotten because they have not been around forever so people do not treat them like normal teeth. No matter the reason you have neglected to clean your third molars, having a wisdom tooth extraction takes that responsibility away altogether–which loops back around to dodging that infection bullet and even better smelling breath.
Your pain will go away (obviously). Once you take that leap and go for an impacted tooth removal, your days of wisdom tooth aches and pains will be over. There will be some expected discomfort following the days of the procedure, but your oral surgeon can cover all of the aftercare and pain management bases with you. Depending on how many teeth you have removed and if your dentist or oral surgeon uses anesthesia in the process, you may only need a weekend to recover and be back on your feet. The wisdom teeth extraction sites will not cause you any more pain, as long as you follow some of the most important after care instructions, including: no smoking while the extraction sites are open; no drinking through a straw while the sites are healing; no crunchy foods or other foods that may be abrasive to the healing gums.
Any kind of operation can be intimidating, but having wisdom teeth removed is one of the most painless investments you can make in your health, which will keep you happier in the long run. Talk with your oral surgeon today about other potential wisdom teeth extraction benefits and when is the right time for you to get rid of those pesky third molars.